The tool below calculates the potential value of lambs weighing 42kg when grown at three different growth rates. From a given start date the lambs will take differents timescales to achieve the target weight. 
There are other benefits to quicker finishing including: eating quality, carbon footprint and ewe condition. Better ewe condition has been shown to lift litter size by 0.13 per condition score lift. Also, not having mouths to feed in the dryer summer months can make it easier to maintain grass covers and divert grass to ewe condition.

If using creep feed to finish lambs faster, then the cost benefit calculation is easy to do. However, we also need to consider the value of the other benefits mentioned earlier.

The tool also models the lamb crop based on the scanning percent and the lamb birthweights based on ewe liveweight. Additional information can be found by clicking the eye icons.


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