Grazed Forage Crop Calculator

Forage brassicas like Turnips and Kale provide a valuable, low cost feed for milking cows or growing stock.  They can provide a useful buffer crop for grazing when grazing DM and/or quality is compromised.

Why grow forage crops for grazing?

  • Easy to grow and relatively trouble free, once established.
  • Replace poor performing or badly poached swards to produce a quick growing high yielding crop.
  • Makes use of slurry and FYM, particularly on all grass farms where land isn’t as available for spreading.
  • An effective break crop on all grass farms, producing a large, palatable crop before an autumn reseed.
  • Can produce 3 to 10 tonnes of dry matter per hectare and be ready to graze 8 – 14 weeks after sowing.
  • Low cost feed – comparing well with grazed grass.
  • A bit of variety in the diet 🙂
  • Produce less methane*

The calculator below is provided to help quickly calculate how much to grow:



* Forage brassica: a feed to mitigate enteric methane emissions? 



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