
Your milk data is the ultimate reflection of the nutrition and management of the herd. Tracker was developed to create a benchmark against which your actual milk data can be compared against a prediction of what it should be.

For over 10 years and on over 1,500 farms Tracker has been used to highlight opportunities to improve productivity and profitability.

How does Tracker work?

Tracker produces a week by week target for all the major milk components based on your calving pattern and target production. By adding your actual milk data alongside, discrepancies can easily be identified.Using this knowledge, appropriate changes can be made to the diet and/or management to get your production back on track.
The main Tracker Dashboard below shows a spring calved herd where the current production (red line) closely following the Tracker prediction (blue dots). The previous two years data is also given (pink and yellow) so progress can be viewed. The fat and protein charts show that there are still some significant opportunities to lift milk components (and therefore milk price) through nutrition and management.

Making more of your milk data

Tracker not only models milk production for the year to come, it also includes:

  • Dairy Costings – Incorporates a full dairy costings sytem which in real time tracks margins. The system uses daily or weekly data meaning that your dairy costings are not just a record of history, but are a real time management tool.
  • Feed & Forage Planner – Creates a month by month plan for feed and forage use and generates expected margins.
  • Ration program – Takes any week and enables the user to evaluate the current diet and plan optimised rations.
  • Forage management system – Creates a map of the farm and helps track field events, fertiliser use, grazing wedge etc.
  • Herd analysis – Uses milk recording data to highlight key actions and critical analysis.
  • Tools – A Toolbox of handy calculators.

Easy to use

Tracker is very easy to use. Just add your weekly calvings and a target to get started. Tracker will then generate the predictions. To add your actual milk data we just need adding to the dairy company portal or API. Full support is available.

Contact below if you would like to know more.


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