Dairy Costings spell out some interesting insights – Part 1
The latest Dairy Costings from Kingshay offer some key insights into recent dairy enterprise trends. The first chart topping statistic…
Finishing Lambs Faster
The tool below calculates the potential value of lambs weighing 42kg when grown at three different growth rates. From a…
Something is lurking in the silage that will cost you money!
If your silage intakes are lower than expected and/or you are struggling with milk yield then you could be suffering…
Data powered feeding
Most of you will be familiar with the adage, “There is the diet you plan, the diet you offer, and…
Big Fat Challenge!
Milk fat can be a highly valuable component. As shown in the chart below, there is a wide range of…
Utilised Dry Matter Matters
Something is missing. It should be difficult to lose. But, on the average dairy farm, there is typically a couple…
Counting the cost of Somatic Cells
The question is not whether Somatic Cells are costing you money…the question is how much?
Milk Supply and Demand
Daily milk production in GB is currently running over 1m litres per day (3%) below this time last year* .…